世界舍利子之王-张秋源 the King of the Sacrificial Child of the World -
世界舍利子之王-张秋源 the King of the Sacrificial Child of the World - TEO CHOO GUAN

根据大藏经的毗奈耶部分记载,有两位商人达普陀和巴哈利卡布供养于佛陀,佛陀将八根头发赠给予兄弟俩。兄弟俩把佛陀的八根头发舍利放在一个金盒子里带回缅甸并供奉在佛塔。佛教传入缅甸已有2600多年, “缅甸“”被誉为“佛塔之国”及 “万塔之城”,全国大小佛塔共有10万多座给予善男信女礼拜三宝及供养佛陀及佛弟子的舍利子。
吴祺迪瓦拉禅修(佛随念禅)的引导下寻找佛陀及佛陀弟子的舍利子,佛陀拥有九种的美德,觉悟了四个真理,拥有各种品德及波罗密。积聚了释迦牟尼的舍利。史载明顿王朝 什韦博区韦莱特蒂采克村有一位叫维鲁达卡拉僧侣收集和供养佛陀及其弟子的舍利子。维鲁达卡拉僧侣也通过(佛随念禅)地找到了很多佛陀与佛陀弟子的舍利子。


吴祺迪瓦拉的一生中,不仅保存和供奉佛陀与佛陀弟子的舍利子,尊者也在全国各地建造无数的佛塔及重建许多古寺院弘扬佛法。在2020年,爲了表章吴祺迪瓦拉在佛教上的贡献,缅甸联合政府封吴祺迪瓦拉为"阿加马哈萨达马乔提卡-达哈" 首座大法王的称号。

前舍利子之王缅甸舍利博物馆创办人及波罗密寺主持吴祺迪瓦拉於2021年7月28日圆寂,世寿74 岁。
A Brief Biography of The Most Venerable Sayadaw U Kittivara
King of Relic and the Chief Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple the founder of Relic Musuem, Venerable Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja Baddanta Kittivara (Sayadaw U Kittivara) was born on 13 October, 1947 in Paukpinthar Village, Meikthila division, in central Myanmar. He entered the Wantawpyi Monastery in a remote village in Burma at the age of ten. He received his higher ordination as a Buddhist monk at the age of twenty at the Wantawpyi Monastery, under the preceptor, U Jagara, the leader of Koethaungpyi Pali University. He studied and learnt the Buddhist scriptures under the famous monk Sayadaw Wantawphy in Wantwin township and Sayadaw Saintaugng in Taunggyi township. In 1979, Sayadaw became the Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple (Parami Temple), South Okkalapa, Myanmar. Sayadaw followed the footstep of his Master, Venerable Suriya who collected the relics of the Buddha and His Disciples. Sayadaw had been travelling around the country, collecting, preserving and re-enshrining the relics of Lord Buddha and Arahants.

In 1984, Sayadaw opened the Relics Musuem at his monastery with the intention to keep the Relics in one place for Buddhist devotes to be able to pay homage to the Buddha’s relics and Buddha’s disciples relics. The monastery is well-known locally as well as overseas. There are many Buddhist devotes from all around the world such as Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia come to pay respect to the Relics every day. In addition, Sayadaw U Kittivara had travelled to many foreign countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Vietnam for promote and propagate the Buddhism. In order to give more devotes who are unable to pay respect Relics at his temple, He had donated and distributed the relics to many countries including Thailand ,Korea, Singapore,Taiwan, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam,China and Malaysia for enshrinement. In year 2019 July 9th , Sayadaw U Kittivara attended the opening of Waki Relic Musuem in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and he was generosity presented 2,000kg of 2,500 years precious buddha relics and arahants relics to be enshrining in Waki Relic Musuem. Throughout his life, Sayadaw had constructed many stupas and renovated ancient monasteries around the country. Venerable Sayadaw U Kittivara had been received the title of Aggamahasaddhammajotika-dhaja by the government of the Union of Myanmar in 2020 due to his efforts to promote Buddhism. Sayadaw U Kittivara has passed away at 11.45pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. He was 74.
吴祺迪瓦拉(Sayadaw U Kittivara) 指定张秋源(TEO CHOO GUAN)为传承人

2019年吴祺迪瓦拉在寺庙及不同的场合表示指定张秋源为他的唯一传承人。现在世界舍利子之王是指马来西亚的一位企业家和慈善家张秋源(TEO CHOO GUAN),是马来西亚华琪舍利子博物馆的馆主。2019年由欧洲的瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市政厅荣获“世界和平奖”,是马来西亚首位获得这项殊荣的企业家。他因为在佛教事业上的贡献而被赞誉为“世界舍利子之王"。


Sayadaw U Kittivara appointed TEO CHOO GUAN as heir
In 2019, Wu Qi Diwala designated Zhang Qiuyuan as his sole heir at temples and various occasions. "The king of the world's Buddhist relics now refers to a Malaysian entrepreneur and philanthropist, TEO CHOO GUAN, who is the curator of the Huaqi Buddhist relics museum in Malaysia.". In 2019, Stockholm City Hall, the Swedish capital of Europe, won the "World Peace Award", making it the first Malaysian entrepreneur to receive this award. He was praised as the "King of the Sacrificial Child of the World" for his contributions to the Buddhist cause.
In July 1995, Malaysia Mattway International Co., Ltd. was established (the predecessor of Malaysia Huaqi International Group)
In June 1997, Guangzhou Huaqi Trading Co., Ltd., Guangdong, China
In December 1998, Malaysia Matte Consulting Co., Ltd
March 2017: Huaqi International Xiang Kitchen Catering Co., Ltd. was established
In April 2017, TEO CHOO GUAN, Chairman of Huaqi International Group, Honorary Professor of Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Thailand
In December 2018, Huaqi International Group Headquarters Building was completed and opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In May 2019, the Huaqi Shiraz Museum was opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In August 2019, Mr. TEO CHOO GUAN, Chairman of Huaqi International Group, was awarded the Swedish World Peace Prize
In January 2020, Mr. TEO CHOO GUAN, Chairman of Huaqi International Group, won the Golden Tripod Award for Global Chinese Role Models for the 70th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China
In February 2020, Mr. TEO CHOO GUAN, Chairman of Huaqi International Group, was awarded the honorary title of Special Dedicated Person for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
In March 2021 (TEO CHOO GUAN) was granted Datuk in Malaysia.
In April 2022, TEO CHOO GUAN received an honorary doctorate from Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University in Thailand

华琪舍利子博物馆位于马来西亚吉隆坡,于2019年7月9日在开馆。马来西亚华琪舍利子博物馆是华琪国际集团创办人张秋源博士创立的私人舍利子文物博物馆,华琪舍利子博物馆展出的各种各样的舍利子,其中有黑色的白色的和其他五颜六色的,比如佛陀血舍利子,尽管细小如沙,但红色的血舍利依然鲜红如血,而金色的乍一看去与金沙无异。创立人张秋源博士是President of WAKi Relics Museum 华琪舍利子博物馆主席 World Peace Ambassador 世界和平大使 M.A (Honorary Master Degree in Buddhist Studies) MCU University 荣誉佛学硕士 World Buddhism Contribution Award, Beijing 世界佛学杰出贡献奖 Pillar of Asoke Award, Thailand 阿育王石柱佛教贡献奖 Gold Phra Pathomched Award, Thailand 佛统塔金奖 International Tara Award, Thailand 国际绿度母奖获得者。

张秋源博士因机缘际会认识了缅甸仰光波罗密寺庙舍利子传承人乌祺迪达瓦拉主持,得到了乌祺迪达瓦拉主持的信任,并且指定张秋源为他的传承人。舍利子传承人乌祺迪达瓦拉主持赠予了大量的舍利子,华琪舍利子博物馆得予建成并长期进行舍利子供奉收藏以及展示,亦是马来西亚首家舍利子博物馆. 华琪舍利子博物馆现有展品600多件,现展出有1000多件舍利子文物。以及不定时举办与佛教文化舍利子文物相关的文化艺术活动。
世界舍利子之王张秋源(TEO CHOO GUAN)博士介绍说,目前舍利子是无法通过科学手段鉴定其是属于佛陀或哪位尊者的,但是缅甸乌祺迪达瓦拉却能说出各种舍利子是那个佛陀和高僧的以及身体中那一个部位。这也是乌祺迪达瓦拉的神秘而受人尊重所在。尽管舍利子的形成和自然生长是个神秘的不解之谜,但依然阻止不了普通民众对舍利子的好奇。

2020年,吴祺迪瓦拉捐献了巨量的佛陀与佛陀弟子舍利子给予马来西亚吉隆坡华琪舍利子博物馆。吴祺迪瓦拉委任华琪舍利子博物馆为舍利子国际中心以传承保护佛陀和佛陀弟子舍利的使命,并永续佛教。以永续吴祺迪瓦拉在世的心愿。以旺盛及传承佛教另一个二千五百年的历史性使命,华琪舍利子博物馆将会建造1000座75厘米高的亚克力舍利子塔,以供奉舍利子于全世界各地的大寺庙。同时,华琪舍利子博物馆也建造84000千座 38厘米高的亚克力舍利子塔给予世界各大小寺庙及信众居士供奉瞻礼舍利子以旺盛及传承佛教。华琪舍利子塔是八角形塔, 分别有塔座,塔身七彩LED环绕灯光,塔刹组成。华琪舍利子塔将拥有:释迦摩尼佛血和脑舍利子,離婆多-舍利子,目犍連- 舍利子,阿难陀- 舍利子,迦旃延- 舍利子,西瓦利- 舍利子,舍利弗- 舍利子,巴库拉- 舍利子,五百罗汉-舍利子。释迦牟尼佛在许多经典中宣说了:“建造佛塔的各种殊胜和不可思议的功德利益:佛塔代表佛陀的"意",身语意之中,以意为王,最为广胜。世界舍利子之王张秋源(TEO CHOO GUAN)说“我能帮助上别人,那是我最高兴的事,用佛教的力量帮助别人是我高兴的事。

华琪舍利子博物馆2019 年收藏了中国北京的灵光寺影骨佛牙,斯里兰卡康提的佛牙寺影骨佛牙以及佛陀舍利子。目前展出的主要是佛陀舍利和十大弟子舍利和其他高僧的舍利子,目犍莲舍利子,泰国龙宫舍利子佛陀头发,骨舍利、肉舍利、脑舍利、血舍利十大佛陀舍利子等。

华琪舍利子博物馆将会建造1000座75厘米高的亚克力舍利子塔,以供奉舍利子于全世界各地的大寺庙。同时,华琪舍利子博物馆也建造84000千座 38厘米高的舍利子塔给予世界各大小寺庙及信众居士供奉瞻礼舍利子以旺盛及传承佛教。华琪舍利子塔是八角形塔, 分别有塔座,塔身七彩LED环绕灯光,塔刹组成。

华琪舍利子塔拥有:释迦摩尼佛血和脑舍利子,释迦摩尼佛十大弟子,離婆多 -舍利子,目犍連 - 舍利子,阿难陀 - 舍利子,迦旃延 - 舍利子,西瓦利 - 舍利子,舍利弗 - 舍利子,巴库拉 - 舍利子,五百罗汉 -舍利子。

目犍連 - 舍利子
The Venerable Moggallana was being regarded as the “Foremost in Psychic Power” amongst Buddha’s ten Principal Disciples. He was a good friend of Venerable Sariputta. Both of them renounced the world when young and were disciples of the ascetic Sajaya Belatthiputta, and each of them had two hundred and fifty followers. Once, Venerable Sariputta encountered Buddha’s diciple Vererable Assaji and learnt about impermanence. He informed Venerable Moggallana who forthwith brought all his followers to seek out the Buddha and became His disciples. After Venerable Moggallana and Venerable Sariputta became disciples of the Buddha, they practised diligently together and soon became His chief disciples, assisting Buddha in his discourses.

阿难陀- 舍利子
阿难陀是提婆达多之弟,为佛陀叔父甘露饭王之子,是佛陀的堂弟。佛陀55岁时,阿难陀皈依佛陀。阿难陀专心侍奉佛陀,形影不离,直至佛陀涅 时止,跟随佛陀前后达25年之久。阿难陀长于记忆,凡是佛陀所说教法阿难陀都能铭记不忘,在佛陀弟子中数他闻法最多,因此而赢得“多闻第一”的称誉。

The Venerable Ananda’s father was Amitodana the Sakiyan, brother of King Suddhodana; thus venerable Ananda was the cousin of Lord Buddha. He served as personal attendant to the Buddha who was fifty years old for twenty five years. He had an impeccable memory of most of the Buddha’s discourses and is referred to as “Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings”of Buddha.

舍利弗 - 舍利子
Venerable Sariputta , which means "Son of the Sari". He is one of the ten disciples principal.
Venerable Sariputta was a dignified person since young. At the age of sixteen, he impressed all the others in his clan by being able to win over others’ arguments. He be friended Venerable Mongallana, they both renounced their wealthy families and became disciples of the ascetic Sanjaya Belatthiputta. It took them only seven days and nights to learn everything from their teacher and earned respect from two hundred and fifty other followers of the same clan.
At that time, Buddha was residing at Venuvana (Bamboo Grove) Monastery. One day his disciple Venerable Assaji was begging for alms. Sariputta saw the venerable Assaji, modestly keeping his eyes to the ground and dignified in deportment, so Venerable Sariputta enquired about the monk’s teacher and teachings he practised. The Venerable Assaji replied with a very brief summary of the Buddha’s teachings on the relationship of cause and effect and impermanence. This opened up Sariputta’s wisdom and he went to find his friend Venerable Mongallana. The two of them soon joined the Order at the Bamboo Grove along with their two hundred and fifty other followers.
After he joined the Order, Venerable Sariputta always assisted the Lord Buddha in his discourses, and became the chief disciple. Due to his superior intelligence, he was being regarded as “ The foremost of wisdom”.
巴库拉 - 舍利子
Relics of Venerable Bakkula (The Foremost in Health)

富楼那 - 舍利子
Relics of Venerable Purnamaitrayaniputra (The Foremost in Spreading The Dharma)
富楼那彌多羅尼子简称 ”富楼那“是以父母的名来命名。富楼那父亲的名字“弥多罗尼” (梵语)翻译为“慈”, 富楼那母亲的名字“富楼那”,合起来叫“富楼那弥多罗尼子” 意思为满慈子,满愿子。

Purnamaitrayaniputra" (Purna) is means boundless preaching and compassion. It is named after his parents.
Purna was very good at explaining the Dharma, and can propagate the Dharma well. Therefore among the Buddha’s Ten Principal disciples, he is regarded as the foremost in spreading the Dharma.
阿那律- 舍利子
Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)
Anuruddha was the cousin of Lord Buddha. In the beginning when venerable Anuruddha took refuge from the Buddha,venerable dozed off when the Buddha was explaining the Dharma and was reprimanded by the Buddha. Then, he vowed not to sleep and he lost his eyesight after refusing to sleep for seven days. Out of compassion, Buddha taught Anuruddha the power of divine eye. Thus, Anurrudha was being regarded as the foremost in divine sight, and it allowed him to see all matters and sentient beings in this universe.
优婆离- 舍利子
(Relics of Venerable Upali ( The Foremost in Upkeeping The Precepts )

Venerable Upali followed Shakyamuni Buddha for his whole life. When Shakyamuni Buddha is still a prince, he was the barber of the princes in the palace. Then, he took refuge from Buddha at the same time with other princes. He is regarded as the foremost in upholding the precepts amongst the Buddha’s Ten Principal Disciples. Because Upali obeyed every precept which set by the Buddha and not violated at all.
Early summer after the death of Buddha, five hundred disciples gathered and held the first council of the order, Ananda recited the Dharma and Upali recited the rules of the precepts.
罗侯罗 - 舍利子
Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )


Venerable Rahula in the Pali Cannon, translated as “obstacle” because Venerable was in his mother’s womb for six years. Rahula is the son of Buddha before Buddha became a monk. When the Buddha returned to his hometown after enlightenment, Rahula was fifteen and Venerable took the novice ordination. Venerable was the earliest novice in the Sangha. And Venerable Sariputta is the preceptor of Rahula.
Venerable Rahula was regarded as the foremost in practice amongst Buddha’s Ten Principal Disciples. It is because Rahula kept straight rules and studied hard without attracting anyone’s attention.
迦旃延 - 舍利子
Relics of Venerable Katyayana ( The Foremost in Debating the Dharma )

Venerable Katyayana was born in Ujjayini, the capital of Avanti in Western India. In the beginning he was studying under his uncle Ashita, the great sage who predicted that the Prince Siddhartha would become a buddha and Ashita advised Katyayana to follow Shakyamuni Buddha.
Venerable Katyayana is good at debating, so Venerable was regarded as the foremost in debating the Dharma amongst Buddha’s Ten Principal Disciples. The truth that ordinary people can’t explain, venerable can explain in a simple way and people will understand it. He wins the admiration of ordinary people by using eloquence instead of using force.